John Hampton Sims
(ca. 1870–1935)
This photograph is thought to be of John Hampton Sims, younger son of William and
Matoaka Sims. The image seems to show young John seated in the bay window of the front parlor of his home (now the Sims-Mitchell House).
John was born around 1870. Numerous records state that he was an attorney, and that he and his wife Lydia lived in Washington, D. C. He died on or about August 6, 1935.
- The photograph was provided by Mark E. Waldo, grandnephew of John Hampton Sims.
- Research assistance on the Sims family in Wilkinson County, Mississippi, was provided by Mrs. James V. Gross of Woodville.
- Confusing to researchers is the fact that there were four men in the same family named John Hampton Sims. Besides the John Hampton Sims pictured above, there were his grandfather (John Hampton Sims, Sr., of Woodville, Mississippi 1806-1863); his uncle (Lt. Col. John Hampton Sims, Jr., C. S. A. 1833-1864, a Woodville physician); and his father William E. Sims's first cousin, son of William's uncle and aunt, William Rice Sims (also a physician) and Elizabeth Lucinda Bruce Sims of Woodville.
- William's first cousin John Hampton Sims was born June 11, 1861, and thus was about nine years older than the above John Hampton Sims of Chatham, Virginia. A notice in the Woodville Republican on October 5, 1878, states: “John Hampton Sims, son of Mrs. Lizzie Sims, died in New Orleans last week from yellow fever. He was a young man of promise, and a native of this county.”
This website is sponsored by Mitchells Publications and the Sims-Mitchell House, Chatham, Virginia.
Copyright © 1999–2006 Patricia B. Mitchell.